Sequel Central. No new movies ideas in this post. Just extensions of previous story lines.
Some might argue this to not be true with Avengers because by being a comic its story line was there before the movies came along.
Shrug. Okay.
Ted 2
Honestly I haven't seen Ted. My sister loved it and I have been told I need to see it and I agree. I think I will add it to my movie list. Ted 2 looks funny. He gets married and wants to have kids but he has to prove he is human. Yes, the teddy bear has to become legalized.
My concern is that the previews have captured the funny parts and there will not be many more in the movie.
This looks like something I might to see in theaters this time around.
Mall Cop 2
Oh the Hero of the Mall. There are some segways and and security uniforms. Our favorite Mall Hero is supposed to be on vacation but when you have a nose for smelling something that is up you cant help but get involved.
This seems like a dollar theater movie to me.
Avengers Age of Ultron
I am the worst possible person to give you a comic based movie opinion. Why... I have seen NONE of the relayed movies. I do not know the basic comic story line and I don't have an overwhelming interest in it.
That being said Ultron did have a catchy few lines about being on no strings. It was reminiscent of Pinocchio. I am not sure how it relates to the comic but I liked the line.
This probably wont be a movie I see even thought it looks good simply because of the time I feel I would need to invest in seeing the other movies first.
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