Wednesday, April 1, 2015

April 2015 Movies to See

The Longest Ride April 10th

I reviewed my first impression of this not too long ago and I stand by this movie looking like a good one!

Furious 7 April 3rd

This is not on my must see list but I know a lot of Furious fans that are supped up for this movie. I stopped my watching after 1 or 2.

Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2 April 17th

Hahaha. I love a good comedy and this movie looks funny! Good mall security is never really on vacation.

The Age of Adaline April 24th

A women that never ages. I think people get caught in the idea of immortality and this is no different. I am looking forward to how this movie plays out.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Inside Out, Home, Pan | First Impression

Inside Out
This movie looks awesome. I love that it says everyone has voices inside and the clips of the parents at the dinner table is classic.
I also like that it shows a few different parts of a persons inside voice and how you are made up of many pieces. I know that sounds crazy but this is being added to my must see list.

This is a dreamworks movie, also animated. Looks very funny and it has the voice of Sheldon... you know... from The Big Bang.
That's enough for me to want to see it LOL

So many remakes on classics but this looks amazing. There is a boy named Peter {shocker I know} but there is a twist in the Pan... it is some type of necklace or symbol that gives or acknowledges power. The preview was short and vague but this is also a must see for me.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Ever After | Throwback Review

Ever After: A Cinderella Story {1998}

Earlier this week I reviewed the new Cinderella movie and I mentioned that it is a story told and retold so it is difficult to make it magical again.

I think that Ever After is a great example of taking a classic story and making it something you don't expect. 

Drew Barrymore is beautiful and her character is kind and spunky. Historical figures are woven into the tale and the scenery is wonderful.

This movie is often found on Netflix and I think you will enjoy it. I saw it in theaters when it came out and years later it is still a favorite.


Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Throwback Reviews

I was wacthing an 80s movie this past weekend on Netflix and I thought, 'man I love this movie and want to write about it on my blog'. I then realised I currently only review new movies.

I've decided that isn't all it has to be. There are tons of movies out of theaters that are still worth talking about and mentioning.

So occasionally you might see a Throwback Review. It will be a movie no longer in theaters. It could be 6 months old, 6 years old or 16 years old. No telling what movie might catch my eye.

If there is a movie you think I should see let me know and I will check it out! I also think this will be a great way for me to catch up on remakes and sequels where I might not have seen the first movie or the orginal.

Since the movies arent in theaters my regular rating system doesn't for them so instead of Stars I will give hearts.

❤❤❤❤❤ Love it all the time. Could watch it over and over again. I probably own it and quote it regularly.

❤❤❤❤♡ Still love it. Will watch it over and over but dont own it. Dont really quote it.

❤❤❤♡♡ Liked it. Might watch it again if bored
❤❤♡♡♡ It was okay. I won't be watching it again.
❤♡♡♡♡ I didnt even make it thought the whole movie. Please don't make me.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Cinderella | Movie Review

I took my niece to see Cinderella this weekend. I had already seen snips of the movie thanks to Bachelor.
I thought the casting was done well. I loved the costuming but I personally felt like the movie fell flat. It wasn't as magical as I hoped it would be...but they are remaking a classic story that has been told and retold over and over.
So it would be difficult to retell in a whole new way.

My niece is 5. She liked it. She said her favorite part was the dancing. She is a romantic already and I love her for it.


Wednesday, March 4, 2015

March 2015 Movies to See

Unfortunately this month is not a big must see movie for me. There is only one movie I am really looking forward to and a few others I know are expected to be big released.

Cinderella 3/13

This is my must see movie of the month. I am looking forward to this remake and am hoping to take my niece to see it.
Update: you can read my review here.

Chappie 3/6

I am still not sold on this be a must see but I might see it at the dollar theater. If you are interested in the director or have been looking forward to it this is your chance to support the movie opening weekend.
Update: Bear saw it and liked it. No idea when he might write a review LOL

The Divergent Series : Insurgent 3/20

This is not a movie I will be seeing since I haven't seen the first one yet but I have heard a lot of talk where people are looking forward to seeing it. If you see it I would like to hear your thoughts.

Friday, February 27, 2015

Ted 2, Mall Cop 2, Avengers Age of Ultron | First Impression

Sequel Central. No new movies ideas in this post. Just extensions of previous story lines.

Some might argue this to not be true with Avengers because by being a comic its story line was there before the movies came along.

Shrug. Okay.

Ted 2
Honestly I haven't seen Ted. My sister loved it and I have been told I need to see it and I agree. I think I will add it to my movie list. Ted 2 looks funny. He gets married and wants to have kids but he has to prove he is human. Yes, the teddy bear has to become legalized.
My concern is that the previews have captured the funny parts and there will not be many more in the movie.
This looks like something I might to see in theaters this time around.

Mall Cop 2
Oh the Hero of the Mall. There are some segways and and security uniforms. Our favorite Mall Hero is supposed to be on vacation but when you have a nose for smelling something that is up you cant help but get involved.
This seems like a dollar theater movie to me.

Avengers Age of Ultron
I am the worst possible person to give you a comic based movie opinion. Why... I have seen NONE of the relayed movies. I do not know the basic comic story line and I don't have an overwhelming interest in it.
That being said Ultron did have a catchy few lines about being on no strings. It was reminiscent of Pinocchio. I am not sure how it relates to the comic but I liked the line.
This probably wont be a movie I see even thought it looks good simply because of the time I feel I would need to invest in seeing the other movies first.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

She's Funny Like That, Focus, Aloha | First Impression

She's Funny Like That
This preview was odd. It felt short. The characters intertwine and they don't seem to know it right away and as they found out it is supposed to be comical. There are hoookers and therapists and actors and I am not sure what I think about it so far. Maybe after seeing the preview a second time it might make more sense.

This is a good example of seeing a preview the a second time and it being more interesting. Will Smith is a con man and falls in love. It reminded me of 21 and the whole pretense of "trust me.. i'm a con man" ...."don't trust them... their a con man"
The first time I saw the preview it looked kind of lame. The second time I saw it the movie doesnt look so horrible but I'm still not totally sold.

This is a must see on my list n This is Top Gun like movie. Romance. This movie has a great cast... Bill Murray, Bradley Cooper, Alec Baldwin and some girls in there too. LOL
The movie is set in Hawaii too so there are great backdrops.

Monday, February 23, 2015

Hot Tub Time Machine | Movie Review

This movie had a slow start and some very rocky spots. It was funny.
The previews lead me to believe there would time travel across several decades. Short answer is NO. There is only a montage at the end about 15 minutes long where they insert themselves into meaningful historical moments.
Instead of going to the past they go to the future. There are Fringe references that result in an amusing song. There is also a few Terminator references which I found to be timely since Terminator is coming out with a new movie soon too.

As with most sequels it was not as good as the first one. John Cusack decided against being in the sequel and after seeing it I understand why.


Thursday, February 19, 2015

Trainwreck, The Longest Ride, Crimson Peak | First Impression

Movie previews and my first impressions.

Side note... anyone else notice that the First Look that they do before the movie start time aren't movie previews but instead TV series. I saw a preview for Returned and thought wow that looks good. But it's a TV series. :-\

Back to movies previews...

This is a comedy. The plot seems to be about a girl who has been taught monogamy is nonsense. From the preview I am captivated. Sadly it seems like too often media slut shames women who are sexually uninhibited while they praise men for the same type of behavior. I look forward to seeing this movie.

The Longest Ride
Sexy cowboys and bull riding. Yes Please. This movie is a romantic chick flick from the preview.

Crimson Peak
Horror. Enough said. Not my cup of tea.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Fifty Shades of Grey | Movie Review

This movie did not disappoint. It followed the book closely while still taking some movie making freedoms.

I thought the movie did a great job of reflecting that all sexual relations were consensual and there was nothing close to abuse or domestic violence involved. I thought the cast was well chosen. I thought Taylor would be younger but he's a supporting role anyway so not a deal breaker.

I know there was a lot of hoopla about the rating. Personally I felt the scenes were very intimate and while not obscene I do think the R rating is more of an R+.

There are breasts shown and then pubic hair is all you see of anything below the waist but at times it felt like from the audience I was watching something secret and treasured.  It was odd as I don't remember that crossing my mind during other sex scenes in movies.

Because of this odd feeling of intrusion I don't think I would have been comfortable in a theater full of people or even going with someone. I went by myself and I sat on an empty row. {Benefits of seeing a twilight show}

I am glad that the movie has already broken box office records and that the sound track is doing well. I am also hopeful for movies 2 and 3.


**not beause it isnt worth the money to see it but because seeing it in theaters was awkward to me**

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Early Release

This is the face I make when I buy my tickets to see a movie I am very much looking forward to {50 Shades}... and when I buy my tickets there are no early release dates available or even mentioned {I bought them two weeks ago}.

Then my friends went and saw it today on early release and tell me how much I need to see it. Yeah... That's the face I make.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Chappie, Temintator, Spy | First Impression

One of the best parts of going to the movie {outside of the actual movie} is seeing previews for other new movies.

I don't have cable at home so I don't see a lot of movie previews until I'm researching a movie or when I'm at the theater already.

The previews I saw before Jupiter Ascending that caught my eye... and not all in a great way are Chappie, Terminator and Spy.

Terminator is a remake {obviously}. A go back in time and change the past but oh no the past has already changed. It looks interesting and there is the classic "I'll be back' worked in but I wasn't a die hard Terminator fan already. So I feel I need to watch the originals before I would be able to see this and appreciate it. But overall still looks interesting.

Chappie. Ugh. A robot that thinks and feels. Hasn't this been done already? Bicentennial Man with Robin Williams anyone? In this movie there are also police robots and we must kill them. Reminiscent of other movies again. The preview didn't capture my attention and make it feel like a must see. Instead I think I rolled my eyes at least twice. Especially when this Chappie robot says he doesn't want to die but live. Give me a break.

Spy is a comedy. Think Mr Bean meets James Bond meets Tammy. Yes, That's Right! Mellisa McCarthy is in Spy. It looks hilarious and like a must see. So much that I wanted to share the preview with you:

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Jupiter Ascending | Movie Review

This movie was a disappointment. I was looking forward to seeing this movie opening weekend.

There is no plot line. While I am all for a straight forward action movie the action wasn't believable. There are scenes where crazy action is going on but cars are driving by like they don't see anything.

There is no back story or explanation before the movie drops you into an odd and vague conversion between people who are basically talking nonsense.

Mila Kunis and Channing Tatum are both in this movie and they're basically the movie's only redeeming factor.

I give Jupiter Ascending:



What do Byrd at the Reel stars mean?


Must See! Worth the money to see this in the theater if you can. I love it!


Still a must see but you might wait to see it at the dollar theater.


This is not a movie to spend money on but is still worth catching on Netfix/Redbox/Cable. If the movie has actors you like or a topic you love it might put the movie to a 4 star for you.


This movie is a take it or leave it. Not worth spending money on and it would be an okay time filler if you cant find anything else better on Netfix/Redbox/Cable.


Not worth your money or your time. This movie isn't even worth a bored night of Netfix/Redbox/Cable viewing.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

February 2015 Movies to See

Can you believe there are acually 24 movies scheduled to come out in the short month of Febuary. Kinda baffling because most dont get many previews or commercials and just float on by.

My top movies to see in Febuary:

4. Kingsman: The Secret Service {02/13}

Who doesn't love a spy movie. Techy gadets cool stunts. Yes please.

3. Jupiter Accednding {02/06}

Channing Tatum. I don't feel like much more is needed but I'll continue. Space and galactic domination, threat on earth, an unknown princess. I'm in.
Update: Read my review HERE.

2. Hot Tub Time Machine 2 {02/20}

If you saw the first one I expect some similar slap stick humor and drunken jokes while almost ruining the time space continuum that time travel always tries to balance. It should be good for a laugh. I might wait until it hits the dollar theater to see it.
Update: you can read my review HERE.

1. Fifty Shades of Grey {02/14}

Now this is THE movie to see this month. This will be on my opening weekend list. I have read the books and enjoy the genre. I am looking forward to the movie and how they will capture the sensualness that the book has. Blah blah blah to the people who call it porn and have never read the book and don't know the topic they are trying to argue.
Update: You can read my review HERE.

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Movie List

Everyone has a movie list right?

When you're sitting in the theater watching previews and something grabs you so you have to add it to your phone right quick as to not forget it later.

Even if you don't have a list... I do.

This blog is going to be kind of an extension of my puny phone list. Since I started my Reel list with February I still wanted to list the movies I have been wanted to see that aren't such new releases and life has just gotten busy and in the way.

In no specific order:

  • Annie {the new release}
  • Exodus
  • In to the Woods
  • Night at the Museum : Secret of the Tomb
  • The Hobbit : The Battle of the Five Armies
  • The Maze Runner
Most of these are out of theaters already or I might be able to catch at the dollar theater. Once I see them I will update the list and let you know what I thought.